「物を使う」行為の再考 : ジョン・ラスキンの所説を手がかりに
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The purpose of this paper is to investigate an essential meaning of using objects. The material for the investigation is the literary works of John Ruskin. The author has considered Ruskin's works from the view point of using objects. The resultant findings are as follows. (1) In the process in which the Intrinsic value' of objects is transformed into 'wealth' and after then 'life', the act using objects or 'acceptant capacity' so said Ruskin has the crucial role for obtaining 'effectual values'. (2) It is therefore the most important consideration to develop our acceptant capacity. Ruskin complained that it was necessary for producers to offer the required information on their products to the public, while users took education. Today, various objects with multiple functions and high performance are produced, and they have spread all over the world. Under such circumstances, we have to pay our efforts into this subject more than ever before. (3) Ruskin pointed out that the production of objects was required to utilize the intrinsic values of materials. However, he did not mention about user's individuality in relation to the production. The author thinks the necessity for taking it account into production. Because it becomes easier for us to obtain effectual values by using objects which are suitable for user's individuality. (4) By means of adopting 'Ruskin's process' in which physical materials are transformed into human wealth and life, the know-how for designing objects may become advanced. Because, it is quite usual for designers to think that the designing has finished when objects were produced, so far.
- 東海大学の論文
- 2004-03-30
東海大学 | 論文
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