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精神遅滞児は,一般に,運動能力がおとるといわれており,身体活動を通しての教育活動の持つ意義は大きい。このことは,心疾患をあわせ持つ精神遅滞児においても同様であろうが,心疾患児においては,過激な身体活動が,時には生命の危険を伴うことを考慮すれば,より慎重な配慮のもとに教育活動が行われなければならないであろう。本論文においては,附属養護学校において特に配慮を要する4名の心疾患児の状態について述べ,子ども達の生活規正は,心電図などの医学的所見をもととし,さらに日常での子どもの状況などを含め,綜合的に決定されるべきことを強調し,平素からの教師の取り組みの必要性について論じた。The physical exercise is the very important part in special education for the mental retarded children, even if they suffer from the heart disease. The present paper concerned with this problem for four mental retarded children suffering from the heart disease. The main points obtained are as follows: 1) All the mental retarded children should be gone through the medical examination of the cardiac function at the time of entrance to special school. 2) The ECG findings indicate the very useful information in the management of the children with the heart disease. But the more adequate and precise information may be obtained through the comprehensive thinking about their bodily conditions, such as the pulse, respiration, cyanosis, blood pressure and so on. 3) The intensive co-operation between the teachers and doctors is neccessary to promote the health of the children with the heart disease.
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