- 論文の詳細を見る
There is hardly any place in this country where one does not see words written using the Roman alphabet, most of which are in English. The author noticed an acceleration in this trend when he returned in 1981 after twelve years' absence from Japan. While living abroad articles were read in the Japanese Journal of Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy and sentences were found to be mixed throughout with foreign terminology - mainly English. It was most irritating to read them. In contrast, according to the author's knowledge, no journal written in English, even those published in non-English-speaking countries, contain foreign words in their articles except a few well established ones and these are mainly Latin. It is a well-known fact that we Japanese physiotherapists are, in general, eager to learn and study English to obtain up-to-date information from the countries where physiotherapy is well-established. Is the end product of this struggle, however, the production of professional articles using what the author calls 'pidgin' Japanese sentences ? Is the Japanese language so inferior that we cannot effectively express our professional thoughts and opinions without interjecting with English words ? In this article the author has sited many examples of the misuse and abuse of English terminology, discussed the implication of this phenomenon, and suggested possible appropriate measures to remedy it.
- 社団法人日本理学療法士協会の論文
- 1988-01-10
- 370. 頸椎牽引における健常男子の心血管反応 : 仰臥位持続牽引との比較・検討
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- 高齢者に対する大学生の態度
- 485 日常生活の質評価の計量心理学的検証(神経系理学療法12)
- 485 身体障害者に対する態度(ATDP) : 金沢市とその近郊に住む成人のATDP
- Effect of Cervical Traction on Cardiovascular Status of Healthy Young Men
- 呼吸器理学療法の現状と展望
- 人工心肺脳蘇生法
- 日本語は理学療法論文に適さぬ言語か?
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- 呼吸器理学療法の確立のために (呼吸)
- 163. 0歳児に対する呼吸器理学療法の経験
- トレッドミル歩行による平衡機能の一時的低下
- 胸郭可動域の対称性・非対称性測定
- 肩関節周囲筋弛緩のための重りつき振子運動 : 筋電図学的所見
- 最高呼気圧に対する姿勢の影響
- 脳卒中嚥下障害に対する電気刺激
- 等尺性運動におけるフィードバックの効果
- 呼吸理学療法 : 第67回医療科学談話会抄録