歯周外科に関する研究 : II. 替刃メス・ハンドル(ITO型)の考案試作と,歯周外科手術への応用
- 論文の詳細を見る
Because of the special anatomical morphology of the oral cavity, it is difficult in surgical operation to attain every part of the oral cavity by the use of an ordinary straight blade handle. Moreover, the sharpness of the blade is often damaged during the operation since the edge of the blade touches not only the mucous part but also the teeth and alveolar bone. Recently disposable blade developed as surgical knife has been used frequently in periodontal surgery since a sharp blade is available constantly and readily. However, the use of the disposable bladc is limited in terms of area since some areas of the oral cavity cannot be attained by the edge of the blade. There have been some types of knives for periodontal surgery such as Ishikawa type and Kirkland type. These types are provided with some angle between the handle and the blade resulting in respective merits. However, one of the demerits is that the blade is apt to become dull during the operation and it may result in an irregular incision and consequently in unsatisfactory prognosis. Moreover, the blade needs to be sharpened before another use. At that time, the sharpening is complicated requiring highly professional skill since the handle and the blade are in a single unit. We have devised a disposable blade handle providing some angle between the handle and the blade mounting part for operation in the oral cavity. The disposable blade handle was clinically applied in periodontal surgical procedure and it proved to be satisfactory.
- 特定非営利活動法人日本歯周病学会の論文
- 1975-09-25
伊藤 輝夫
前川 尚之
曾我 宏世
赤司 睦雄
坪口 高明
菅原 雅道
前川 尚之
坪口 高明
伊藤 輝夫
赤司 睦雄
曾我 宏世
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- 48.歯周外科に関する研究 第11報 歯冠側歯肉弁伸展術について(一般講演要旨,第22回 秋季日本歯周病学会)
- 27.歯周外科に関する研究 : 第10報 歯槽部骨隆起の形態,発現頻度および位置について(第20回 秋季日本歯周病学会)
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- 歯肉弁移動術(第21回 秋季日本歯周病学会)
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- 歯周外科に関する研究 : II. 替刃メス・ハンドル(ITO型)の考案試作と,歯周外科手術への応用
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