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It is generally known that canine prostatic disease is uncommon especially in dailyclinical cases in "S" city. Actually, however, so-called canine prostatic hypertrophy hasbeen found frequently among these cases submitted to autopsy at the authors laboratory.Six cases (Table 1) were selected from fifty-four ownerless dogs, as they did showhypertrophy of the prostate but not dysuria, to investigate histopathological changes.The result obtained are as follows.1. The following three glands were commonly present in all the six cases: (a) aninactive gland, (b) a hyperplastic and degenerative gland, and (c) a cystic and atrophicgland. A proliferation of interstitial collagenous elements was observed in areas wherethese glands were located.There were no significant changes in the periurethral gland, or the vascular ornervous system of the prostate gland.2. Coexistence of the three gland in the same prostate gland was a significantfinding, which suggests the followizag possibility: Most of the degenerative and atrophicchanges appear in dogs about the presenile period.3. The histological changes of the hypertrophic prostate of a dog was proliferationof glandular epithelium, exclusive of that of the periurethral glands and their stroma.Consequently, being different from the human case, canine prostatic hypertrophy maynot induce urinary obstruction.4. Histopathologically, the present case was named "prostatic atrophy" since cysticatrophic glands were predominant in an overwhelming majority of the prostates.5. Comparison between canine and human prostatic hypertrophy can not be made,because there is nothing common in anatomic lesions between the canine and humancases.
- 社団法人日本獣医学会の論文
- 1972-06-25
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