鶏の比較解剖学的並びに局所解剖学的研究 : LVIII. 腺胃および筋胃の血管分布
- 論文の詳細を見る
A total of 104 cocks and hens were examined to describe and illustrate the bloodvascular supply of the glandular stomach and the muscular stomach. The nomenclaturein Latin and Japanese is adopted in the present paper and that used by previous authorsis shown in Tables 2 and 3.The blood vessels supplying these organs were as follows.Ventriculus glandularis: A. esophagea recurrens, A. gastrica glandularis dextra,Aa. gastricae glandulares sinistrae, V. gastrica glandularis cranialis, V. gastrica glandu-laris sinistra, and V. gastrica glandularis dextra.Ventriculus muscularis: A. gastrica muscularis sinistra, A. gastrica muscularisdextra, R. gastricus muscularis dorsalis of A. gastrica glandularis dextra, R. gastricusmuscularis intermedius of A. gastrica sinistra, R. gastricus muscularis ventralis of A. hepa-tica sinistra, R. pyloricus of A. hepatica sinistra, V, gastrica muscularis sinistra, V. gastricamuscularis ventralis, V. gastrica muscularis dextra, and R. gastricus muscularis dorsalisof V. gastrica glandularis dextra.All the arteries and arterial branches of the glandular stomach and the muscularstomach are supplied by the Truncus celiacus, which is originated from the Aortaabdominalis under the 6th thoracic vertebra. The main brataches of the arteries whichsupply the glandular stomach perforate the capsule, anastomose with one another, andform an arterial network in the deeper layer of the glandular stomach. Hence, closeconnections are made among those three main arteries in the tissue of the glandularstomach.The arterial and venous branches supplying the muscular stomach are divided intomany small branches on the surface of this organ before perforating tlae tissue of theorgan. Thev anastomose with one another and complete an arterial and a venousnetwork on the surface of the organ. The main arterial branches of the muscular stomachperforate the central tendinous membrane (Centrum tendineum) on both sides of thisorgan. The venous branches of the muscular stornach, however, are originated fromthe marginal alayer than that containing the arterial network in the glandular stomach. By thatvenous network, direct communication is accomplished between the portal circulationand the systemic circulation in this organ of the domestic fowl. This direct communi-cation is recognized easily when some colored material is injected slowly into theV. mesenterica caudalis after the ligation of the V. gastrica glandularis cranialis, theV. portae sinistra, and the V. portae dextra.The interrelationship between the histological structure and the fine blood vascularsupply in the glandular stomach and the muscular stomach will be discussed in a reportwhich is to follow.Table 1. Branches oF Truncus celiacusA. esophagea recurrensA. gastrica glandularis dextra {R. gastricus muscularis dorsalisAa. gastricae glandulares sinistrae ] ".:f;..!: Mt.X""""R. gasfricus muscularis ventralisA. gastrica sinistra " "P"" """"R. pyloricusR. dorsalisgastrica muscularis sinistra R. intermediusR. ventralisTruncus celiacusA. IienalisRr. lienalesA. jejunalisA. hepatica dextra Aa. cysticae Rr. pancreatici (lobus splenicus)A. duodenojejunalis Rr. ductus choledociRr. ductus hepatoentericiA. ileocecalis caudalisRr. pancreatici (lobus dorsalis)pancreaticoduodenalisRr. Pancreatici (lobus tertius et ventralis)R r. d U od e n a l esR. dorsalisA. gastrica muscularis dextraR. ventralisA. ileocecalis cranialis
- 社団法人日本獣医学会の論文
- 1969-04-25
- 鶏の比較解剖学的並びに局所解剖学的研究 : LXIV. 鶏の交感神経系 その3.腹腔神経叢および前腸間膜動脉神経叢
- 鶏の比較解剖学的並びに局所解剖学的研究 : LX. 鶏の小脳裂の発生と学名の整理
- 鶏の比較解剖学的並びに局所解剖学的研究 : XXVI. 三叉神経の末梢走向について
- 鶏の比較解剖学的並びに局所解剖学的研究 : LI. 鶏における嗅神経の末梢方向について
- 鶏の比較解剖学的並びに局所解剖学的研究 : LXIII. 脾臓の微細血管の分布と構造
- 鶏の比較解剖学的並びに局所解剖学的研究 : LVI. 鶏における脾臓の血管分布
- 鶏の胸管と腰リンパ管について
- 鶏における外側視床下部破壊の体温におよぼす影響
- 鶏の比較解剖学的並びに局所解剖学的研究 : LXXVIII. 膵葉の区分および膵管分布について
- 鶏における腎単位及び尿管系の形態学的研究
- 鶏における腎臓の形態学的研究 : II. 腎門脈系および静脈系
- 鶏における腎臓の形態学的研究 : I. 動脈系
- 鶏の比較解剖学的並びに局所解剖学的研究 : LXXIII. 腎小体の大きさとその分布
- 鶏の比較解剖学的並びに局所解剖学的研究 : LXX. 上頸神経節の局所解剖学的並びに細胞構築学的研究
- 「学術情報の流通・利用の実態調査結果報告書」を読んで : B.自然科学関係
- 鶏の間脳におけるStereotaxic coordinateについて
- 鶏に於ける間脳と生殖腺との機能的関係
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- 鶏における再生精巣の組織細胞学的研究
- 鶏の比較解剖学的並びに局所解剖学的研究 : XXX. 動眼筋および毛様体筋に分布する神経
- 鶏の比較解剖学的並びに局所解剖学的研究 : LVII. 鶏における膵臓の血管分布
- 鶏の比較解剖学的並びに局所解剖学的研究 : LVIII. 腺胃および筋胃の血管分布
- 鶏の比較解剖学的並びに局所解剖学的研究 : LXII. 膵臓の微細血管分布
- 201 鶏の比較解剖学的並びに局所解剖学的研究 : XLIII. 鶏および野鴨の脳の外部形態 (第59回日本獣医学会記事)
- 200 鶏の比較解剖学的ならびに局所解剖学的研究 : XLII. 家鴨の頭頸部における筋の起始および停止について : (1)頭部の筋 (第59回日本獣医学会記事)