- 論文の詳細を見る
To analyze the antigcnic component of Haettnojohilus paragallinarutn (Hpg),serological and immunological properties of a heat-stable antigen in the culture superrtateof Hpg were studied. At least two different antigens were found in the culture supernateof various Hpg strains by the agar get precipitation (AGP) test. They NVCT( separated ir?tc>two fractions by get filtration. -[lte Iteat-stable antigen was eluted at void volume by getfiltration with Sepharose 6B and 2B, but not any other. The heat-stable antigen did notlose antigenicity when it was lacated at l2lC for 30 minutes. The AGP test revealed tltatthe heat-stable antigen was not type-specific to az?y Hpg serotype. Moreover, lipopolysaccharide (LPS), which had I>een isolated from Hpg cells by XVestphals methods, wasfound to have antigenicity common to Hpg serotypes. In the AGP test, tlae t?eat-stableantigen showed an identity reaction to the LPS product. Neither heat-stable antigett inthe culture supernate nor LPS arntigen of Hpg strain 221 presented a protective effect wlneninjected into chickens, or agglutinated chicken red blood cells. Furthermore, no measurable hemagglutination-in1?ibition antibody was found in chickens immunized w"itlt botltantigens. These results suggested that heat-stable antigen in the culture supernate ofIlpg might be composed of LPS.
- 社団法人日本獣医学会の論文
- 1980-12-25
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