Separate Estimation of Mean Spacings and Irregularities of Point Scatterers : Ultrasonic Imaging and Microscopy
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1991-08-31
SATO Sojun
Electrotechnical Laboratory
Electrotechnical Laboratory
Electrotechnical Laboratory
- Development of a New Diagnostic System for Human Liver Diseases Based on Conventional Ultrasonic Diagnostic Equipment
- Quantitative Estimation of the Amount of Fibrosis in the Rat Liver Using Fractal Dimension of the Shape of Power Spectrum
- Three-Dimensional Imaging by Synthetic Aperture Focusing Technique Using a Large Aperture Plane Ultrasonic Transducer
- A Characterization of Ultrasonic Power Spectrum by Fractal Analysis : Imaging by Fractal Dimension : Medical Ultrasonics
- An Estimation of Randomness of Scattering Media by Power Spectrum of Ultrasonic Scattering Wave : Acoustical Measurements and Instrumentation
- New Fabrication Process for Small Junctions Using a Selective Etch-Back Technique
- Stress in NbC_xN_ Films Prepared by Reactive Rf Magnetron Sputtering
- Magnetic Penetration Depths and Normal-State Resistivities of Epitaxial and Polycrystalline NbC_xN_ Films
- Separate Estimation of Mean Spacings and Irregularities of Point Scatterers : Ultrasonic Imaging and Microscopy
- Experimental Studies on Ultrasonic Measurements of Scattering Media by Using Wavelet Transform : Ultrasonic Measurement
- Design charts of a sound absorbing wedge using airflow resistivity of glass wool
- Ultrasonic Power Measurements by Radiation Force Balance Method : Characteristics of a Conical Absorbing Target.
- Development of a New Diagnostic System for Human Liver Diseases Based on Conventional Ultrasonic Diagnostic Equipment