SAW Device Simulation Using Boundary Element Method : SAW and Communication Devices
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1990-12-28
Hashimoto Ken-ya
Facult. Eng., Univ. Chiba
Yamaguchi Masatsune
Facult. Eng. Univ. Chiba
Hashimoto Ken-ya
Faculty Of Engineering Chiba Univerity
- 2P3-6 反共振周波数におけるFBARからのパワー漏れの定量評価(ポスターセッション)
- P1-34 Fabrication of Si/Inlaid-IDT/LiNbO_3 Structure for Acoustic Boundary Wave Devices(Poster session 1)
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- Preparation and Characterization of Ferroelectric Bi_4Ti_3O_ Thin Films Grown on (100)-Oriented Silicon Wafers
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- Influence of Reflection Coefficients of RF Filters to Performance of Power Amplifiers and their Suppression Using Quadrature Hybrids
- Ultra-Wideband Surface Acoustic Wave Devices Using Cu-Grating/Rotated-YX-LiNbO_3-Substrate Structure
- Analysis of Excitation and Propagation Characteristics of Leaky Modes in Surface Acoustic Wave Waveguides
- Preparation of piezoelectric PZT micro-discs by sol-gel method
- Design of Weighted Reflectors and Their Application to Surface Acoustic Wave Bandpass Filter
- Polynomial Approximation of SAW Reflection Characteristics for Fast Device Simulation Tools
- He II Thermal Counterflow near Superfluid Turbulent Transition : I. QUANTUM LIQUIDS AND SOLIDS : Superfluid Flow
- Acousto-Optic Bragg Diffraction by Deep Bulk Acoustic Waves for Use in Optic Spectrum Analyser : Photoacoustic Spectroscopy
- Propagation Characteristics of SAW on a ZnO/SiO_2/high-velocity-substrate Structure : SAW and Communication Devices
- Effect of Surface Electrical Boundary Condition on Temperature Stability of SAW Devices : SAW and Communication Devices
- Accuracy of Gates RF Pulse Measurement : Acoustical Measurements and Instrumentation
- Lamb Wave Devices Employing ZnO-Film/Al-Foil Composite Structure : SAW and Communication Device
- Ultrasonic Transducer Employing a ZnO-film/Al-foil Composite Structure for Non-Destructive Testing : Ultrasonic Transduction
- High-Frequency Operation for Resin-Coated BAW Beam Devices : SAW and Communication Devices
- Automated Acousto-Optic Measurement System of Bluk Acoustic Waves Launched from an IDT : Acoustical Measurements and Instrumentation
- Variable Surface Acoustic Wave Delay Line Consisting of a Magnetic Thin Film on a LiNbO_3 Substrate : C-2: SURFACE WAVE AND MAGNETIC DEVICES
- INV-2 Simulation of Surface Acoustic Wave Devices, Review(Invited lecture 2)
- SAW Device Simulation Using Boundary Element Method : SAW and Communication Devices
- Throughput Performance Enhancement applying Adaptive Modulation for Single Symbol Decodable QO-STBC with Pull Diversity
- Performance improvement with channel ranking and cutting the symbol candidate branchs for the complexity reducing sequential decision with QRM-MLD
- IQ Imbalance Estimation and Compensation Schemes using TFI-OFDM System
- IQ Imbalance Estimation and Compensation Schemes using TFI-OFDM System
- Throughput Performance Enhancement applying Adaptive Modulation for Single Symbol Decodable QO-STBC with Pull Diversity
- Performance improvement with channel ranking and cutting the symbol candidate branchs for the complexity reducing sequential decision with QRM-MLD
- Performance improvement with channel ranking and cutting the symbol candidate branchs for the complexity reducing sequential decision with QRM-MLD
- IQ Imbalance Estimation and Compensation Schemes using TFI-OFDM System
- Throughput Performance Enhancement applying Adaptive Modulation for Single Symbol Decodable QO-STBC with Pull Diversity