- 論文の詳細を見る
The present studies have been undertaken to obtain basic information on the ecological characteristics of propagules and factors affecting their formation and death. Such information is necessary for the control of perennial weeds whose incidence has increased in various areas in recent years. The experiments were conducted at the Central Agricultural Experimental Station in Konosu, Saitama, during the period 1971〜1980. 1. Based on the ecological characteristics of propagules of perennial weeds in paddy fields the weeds were classified into three types as follows; non-clonal growth type, rhizome type and prostrated type according to the growth pattern of the above-and underground organs. Weeds belonging to the non-clonal growth type were found to produce many seeds and propagation through seeds was easy. Scirpus juncoides, Alisma canaliculatum and Sagittaria trifolia (arrow head) belong to this type. Among them, the former two species propagate through seeds in paddy fields. Rhizome type weeds propagate with propagules such as tubers and rhizomes. Cyperus serotinus (cyperus), Eleocharis kuroguwai (water chestnut) and Sagittaria pygmaea (pygmaea arrowhead) belong to this type. Weeds of this type propagate actively and cause serious damage to rice plants. In the prostrated type weeds, runner or rhizomes grow rapidly underground at a comparatively shallow depth and regenerate easily even when runners or rhizomes are cut in short pieces. Paspalum distichum and Oenanthe javanica belong to this type. 2. Length of dormancy period of propagules, uniformity of awakening from dormancy and requirement of oxygen for germination are internal factors that affect the generation of weeds. In addition the morphology and function of propagules were found to be closely related with the emergence and propagation of weeds. 3. As for the propagule formation, pygmaea arrowhead is a plant insensitive to photo period which produces tubers 50 to 60 days after emergence even if the date of emergence varies. As for the propagule formation of cyperus, water chestnut, arrowhead and Potamogeton distinctus (pond weed), these are short-day plants which produce propagules in the fall although the sensitivity to short-day varies among the species. Heading and flowering are controlled by shot-day in cyperus and water chestnut as well as tuber formation, while in the other three species the response to tuber formation is not controlled by short-day. 4. The formation of propagules varies depending on the temperature and soil moisture as well as on daylength. The propagule formation in all of the above mentioned five species, was inhibited by high temperature. Especially in the case of the pond weed, a temperature higher than 30℃ inhibited winter bud formation almost completely. When the density of rice plants is high, the emergence of perennial weeds with broad leaves such as arrow head and pond weed is markedly suppressed due to shading. As a result no propagule formation was observed after a period of three years. 5. Location of propagules in soil is different in each weed. It is shallowest for pygmaea arrowhead and cyperus in which most of the propagules are produced at depths ranging between 5 and 10cm. On the other hand, pond weed produces propagules in a deeper zone immediately above the subsoil. Water chestnut and arrow head show a characteristic vertical distribution of propagules.
- 日本雑草学会の論文
- 1985-01-28
- 71 ハルタデ種子の休眠覚醒及び発芽特性 (1)
- 49. スギナの発生生態 : (2) 胞子の発芽定着条件及び地下部繁殖器官の出芽・増殖
- Euphorbia geniculataの光合成, 蒸散作用のトウモロコシ及びE. hirtaとの比較
- 37 メヒシバ種子の発芽に及ぼす地温と土壌浸透光の影響
- ヒメイヌビエ発芽初期のATP測定における種子消毒について
- ヒメイヌビエ種子の水吸収および貯蔵期間におけるATP量の変化
- 57 ヒメイヌビエ種子のATP量と発芽力の関係
- 59 畑雑草種子の死滅温度,とくに水分条件との関係について
- 44 野菜作地帯における集約的土壌管理と雑草発生との関係とくに土壌消毒剤による雑草の発生抑制効果について
- 93 畑雑草種子の発芽および出芽に及ぼす土壌水分の影響
- Euphorbia geniculataの種予発芽の特徴
- 55 作付体系の差異と畑雑草の発生との関係
- 24. 主要畑雑草の光周反応と種子生産特性 (4) : 播種時期及び施肥条件
- 51 スギナの発生生態 : (1) 実態調査及び胞子・地下茎からの発生(予報)
- 50 主要畑雑草の光周反応と種子生産特性 (3)
- 39 主要畑雑草の光周反応と種子生産特性 (2)
- 67 マイクロ波処理による畑雑草種子の吸水条件と死滅との関係
- 66 主要畑雑草の開花の光周反応と種子生産特性
- 41 大豆とメヒシバの競争関係の解析 : (4) 圃場試験の結果とシミュレーション実験との比較
- 40 大豆とメヒシバの競争関係の解析 : (3) 大豆・メヒシバ混合群落の生長モデル
- 54 大豆とメヒシバの競争関係の解析 : (2) 1983年圃場試験の様相とそのモデル化
- 62 大豆とメヒシバの競争関係の解析(1)
- 水田多年生雑草の繁殖特性の解明と防除に関する研究
- ウリカワの生態と防除
- 水田多年生雑草の繁殖特性の解明と防除に関する研究