- 論文の詳細を見る
The paper deals with a method of designing a data generator for an FEM analysis system. The proposed analysis support system has been developed in Smalltalk/V, an object oriented language, on a personal computer. The system has a special multieditor Hier Browser, hierachical online manual, and a window for the format information of each Keyword. In the developing process, the following features are found to be clear : 1) Input data of general purpose FEM systems consist of standardized data format for each function. By introducing Keyword-object into these functions, it makes possible to hide or mask the format information and simplifies the construction of design support system. 2) Data structures of Keywords are classified four patterns (partitioned, normal, variable and branch). 3) Unit sets of editing windows for Keywords have two list panes and one text pane. 4) By establishing common messages between Keyword and Hier Browser, it simplifies these class methods and clear essential facilities. 5) By implementing parallel retrieval with list-panes for classes and instances, high performance has been achieved. 6) Objective structure of the design rules is evaluated as a virtual action operator.
- 日本シミュレーション学会の論文
- 1991-09-15
宮田 保教
National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
宮田 保教
佐久田 博司
永沢 茂
宮田 保教
永沢 茂
Yoshida Yoshio
Biomedical Imaging Research Center University Of Fukui
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