土壌塩性化におけるエネルギーの散逸(<小特集>土壌汚染とその対策 : メカニズム解明から最新技術開発まで)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Mathematical modeling of soil salinisation was made. and the energy dissipation mechanism of the process was clarified. Salinisation is drived by the moisture transfer due to solar radiation, and thermal exergy entering the system from the surface and material exergy carried with the saline water sucked in the system are dissipated by the irreversible processes occurring only in the vicinity of the surface region within 0.1m depth. The governing phenomena of exergy dissipation are heat conduction for the sand of relatively larger particle sizes, and water evaporation and heat conduction for the sand of relatively smaller particle sizes.
- 2004-10-01
- セラミックフィルタによる集塵・払い落とし性に及ぼす温度および粒子特性の影響
- 土壌フィルターによるNO吸着実験
- 素材の無攪拌が容器内コンポスト化の進行に及ぼす影響
- 土壌塩性化におけるエネルギーの散逸(土壌汚染とその対策 : メカニズム解明から最新技術開発まで)
- 土壌フィルターによるNO吸着実験