CEN/TC288/WG10, WG11における活動(<小特集テーマ>地盤工学分野における国際標準化)
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In European Union, the standardizations are advanced about the technology of all fields including geotechnical and civil engineering field. In such movement, a standard on the construction and construction management of ground improvement technology is mainly deliberated by CEN/TC288. In the seven technology (Bored Piles, Diaphram Walls, Anchors, Sheet Piles, Displacement Piles, Grouting, Jet-Grouting), the ENs (European standard) are already created. Currently, the five WGs (Micro-Piles, Reinforced Soil, Deep Soil Mixing, Vertical Drains, Deep Vibration) are working, and a deliberation of standard is advanced about construction of various kinds of ground improvement. The author got the opportunity to participate in four meetings in WG 10 and in three meetings in WG 11, and has performed the spread of the technology of our country, and reflection to a draft of standard while joining deliberations on a standard. This paper presents simply about the background and outline of deliberations on a draft of standard in WG10 and WG11 activities.
- 社団法人地盤工学会の論文
- 2003-07-01
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