地震災害危険度に関する情報発信 : 静岡県の取組み(<小特集>地盤工学とリスクマネジメント)
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The influence of the damage due to the Tokai earthquake spreads to the considerable wide area and moreover the damage is quite terrible. Therefore, citizen himself has the consciousness "to keep its own life personally" strongly and must execute an earthquake countermeasures. For this purpose, the citizen must recognize the necessity of the earthquake countermeasures in common and Shizuoka Prefecture provided information about the data of the bases such as the ground and on the disaster dangerous degree of the area actively.
- 2003-10-01
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- 地震災害危険度に関する情報発信 : 静岡県の取組み(地盤工学とリスクマネジメント)
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