C333 噴流混合におよぼす渦操作の効果
- 論文の詳細を見る
The three-dimensional vortical structure of a circular water jet was investigated by a flow visualization technique. The jet was excited by axial and azimuthal perturbations to stabilize and enhance axisymmetric and streamwise vortices. A laser florescent dye and a laser light sheet were used to visualize the jet. The three-dimensional view of vortical structure was constructed by applying the Taylor hypothesis to the jet cross-sectional images. The view reveals the details of the complicated structure. From the three-dimensional view, the area of jet boundary surface was estimated to discuss jet mixing. The result suggests that the simultaneous enhancement of axisymmetric and streamwise vortices is very effective to increase mixing.
- 日本流体力学会の論文
- 2001-07-31
- 7・4 噴流(7.流体工学,機械工学年鑑)
- 3333 噴流衝突型高推力ハイブリッドロケットの開発および打上げ実験
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- 1510 はく離せん断乱流中の変動静圧と空力音の同時測定による空力音発生機構の考察(J11-2 流れと音の相関計測,J11 流体関連の騒音と振動)
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- 216 はく離せん断乱流から発生する空力音の測定と渦挙動の可視化(流体工学(3))
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