F234 大気の対流圏中緯度のポテンシャル渦度の平均勾配
- 論文の詳細を見る
The latitudinal gradient of zonally averaged potential vorticity (PV) in the mid-latitudes of the atmosphere is examined in terms of the flow property on isentropic surfaces. If the change in PV is expressed by a relaxation type forcing, PV values are expressed as a weighted integral of the reference values of PV along the backward trajectories. This formula is applied for a result with a general circulation model. The time scale of the flow is estimated at about 10 days, which is related to the dispersion of the parcels on isentropic surfaces. It is also found that the leaky intrusion from the stratospheric transition layer largely contributes to the latitudinal gradient of PV in the mid-latitudes of the experiment.
- 日本流体力学会の論文
- 2000-07-25
佐藤 正樹
佐藤 正樹
Centre for Atmospheric Sciences, Dept. of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
Neufeld Zoltan
Centre For Atmospheric Sciences Dept. Of Applied Mathematics And Theoretical Physics:unicersity Of C
Neufeld Zoltan
Centre For Atmospheric Sciences Dept. Of Applied Mathematics And Theoretical Physics University Of C
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