設計手間に関する研究 2
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Generally, the most architectursl design system has been only experiential and individual, however, by surveying the actual working procedure of design we should be able to get the points of design technique, by which we can expect to keep the quality of design. As a part of such study, on design organization and design technique, this report is the time study on actual conditions of architectural design at this company. Previously, on the relationship between the whole time for design and the cost per square meter of buildings, following three cases has been supposed. 1) The whole time for design is independent of the cost per square meter of buildings, because the cost is affected by the architectural materials used in buildings, but the time for design is not so various by writing in the different names of materials. 2) The more expensive the cost per square meter of buildings, the grater the whole time for design, because by using the expensive materials the time for design is necessary for details. 3) The cheaper the cost per square meter, the greater the whole time for design, because by using the cheap materials, the time for design is necessary for managing cost allocation. But in fact, it was confirmed the whole time for design is decided each building independent of the cost per square meter of buildings. Anyway, the time for drawing has been expected to be dominant over the whole time of design. Thus, the Present paper is concerned with the relationship between the time for drawing and the whole time for design. As the result of survey, by the work sampling method, it was found that the time for drawing is comparatively less' against expectation, in the whole time for design. Then the further survey for drawing procedure will be necessary to elucidate the actual design system.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 1965-07-30
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