ギリシア・古典期-ヘレニズム期神殿建築の空間概念 : 神殿及び神話並びに哲学に於ける空間的思惟の相同性 (その 1)
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The creation of the pteron was not only the establishment of articulation but also the creation of external appearance of the temple. By this, the temple had become the "object able to be seen" in the fields. The subsequent evolution of the Greek temple was realized through the refinement on its appearance, and the fact played an essential part in the design of the temple during the classic period. It is Doxiadis who points out that the planning of the Greek sanctuary which looks clattered at first sight is strictly arranged with the greatest circumspection by means of the polar coordinate, is systemicly equivalent to the visual perception of the form. That is to say, our field of view takes a spherieal shape which makes the apparent size of the object in it proportionate to the visual angle. The awakening of such vision in Greece is also found in the description of the Greek myth. According to the analysis of the implication of Greek verbs "see" that mean to in the myth, it is ascertained that the vision had developed from the metaphorical way of seeing in which the seen parts were merely associated to each other and resulted in the metonymical perception in which they were integrated into the whole. That is also recognized in our own development of the vision. Piaget investigated the fomative process of a child's vision, and clarified that the vision begins with the stage of topological space-grasping which grasps the form only based on the homeomorphic quality of the figure and develops into the stage of the projective spacegrasping which precisely grasps the interrelation of plural figures from the specific viewpoint through accurate grasping of a single figure. It is the function of the association that identifies different figures based on their homeomorphic qualities. Accordingly, as the topological space-grasping is due to the metaphorical vision, the precise grasp of the figure becomes possible with the metonymical vision. Therefore, the single-row-column temple which only constituted the naos regardless of the appearance, was founded on the metaphorical vision of the creation of the meaningful topos, and because the establishment of the peripteros stlye was based on the metonymical vision, then the space-grasp by means of the polar-coordinate system is evidently nothing but the projective space. Piaget further clarified the formative process of the Cartesian perspective space that trancends the projective space which pertains to the specific view point, through so-called decentralization which simultaneously adopts different view points and thus makes all of them relative to one another. This clarification could explain the conversion of the polar coordinate system to the Cartesian coordinate in the Greek site planning by Hippodamos in the 5th century B. C., and it also explains the development of the metonymical vision that lies in the background of the conversion.
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