広島県比婆郡における民家平面の発展 : 平入四間取り民家形式成立の一契機について
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The farmhouses in the district may be grouped in five types as follows : Type A This is a three-roomed type which is regarded as created in the Edo period and the oldest of the fire. However, no houses ever built previously to the early 19th century can be seen in the district. The plan is a rectangle with two parts almost equally bisected perpendicularly to its longer parallel sides. One of the two parts is unfloored and subdivided into two equal parts, a stable and an earth floor. The other is divided into three rooms called 'Hiroma', 'Zashiki' and 'Nando'. Of these three, 'Hiroma' abutting on the unfloored is the largest, where the occupants spent their daily lives, cooking, taking meals, enjoying warmth around a hearth and receiving their fellow visitors. 'Zashiki' is a parlor prepared for their most distinguisled guests. 'Nando' is a bedroom. Type B This is a varition of Type A, with a small room arranged in 'Hiroma' at its rear corner bordering upon 'Nando". Verging upon 'Nando' this room is supposed to have been a bedroom. Two houses of this type can be found out in the district. Each of them was built at least not later than the early 17th century. Type C In this type the small room of Type B was fully extended on the side of the earth floor. The room was likely to have been used for a bedroom as well. The oldest houses were built at least not later than the 17th century. Type D The extended room of Type C was newly enlarged front-wards and became a larger bedroom, but it did not occupy half the area of 'Hirom' yet. The 'Hiroma' used for the occupants' central space of daily life expanded into the earth floor because of its becoming smaller in space, but this new room was not matted. Type E This is a four-roomed type different from Type D. The 'Hiroma' was divided into two equal parts; a dinning room at the back and a front room for fellow visitors. In the 18th century, Type D and E appeared and in the 19th century Type E became prevalent. In consideration of the above plans, the clues as to how the farmhouses of four-roomedtype in the district came into existence seems to lie in the following three; first the extension of 'Nando' into 'Hiroma', secondly the separation of the dinning room from 'Hiroma', lastly the separation of the room for fellow visitors.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 1967-02-28
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