- 論文の詳細を見る
As for the design criteria of the multi-purpose hall, Architectural Institute of Japan gave two recommendations about ten years ago. One is provided for the architectural stage design and the other is for the electric reinforcement system design. These recommendations have been practically used by the designers until now. But, it has been pointed out that they have already been unsuited for the recent circumstances of halls. This paper describes the results of the objective and subjective study of architectural, acoustical and reinforcement system conditions of multi-purpose halls studied in order to improve these recommendations. The fact-finding of recent multi-purpose halls has been made by the questionnair form. As investigation objects, existing multipurpose halls numbered over 30 were selected. In the questionnair for the superintendent of the hall, the performance ratio of all sorts, architectural and room-acoustical conditions and subjective estimations to them were asked. Likewise, in the questionnair for the electrical acoustic operator, reinforcement system conditions, acoustical effects by the system and subjective estimations to them were inquired. According to the results, it has been found that recent multi-purose halls have a tendency to be heavily used for music performances, especially for light music performances using the reinforcement system, and hall users generally desire to increase the scale and function of the system. The remarkable requirement of the operator is to increase the out-put power of the proscenium speaker system more 2.5〜4 times than the regulation power of the A-class criteria recommended by Architectural Institute of Japan.
- 社団法人日本建築学会の論文
- 1976-11-30
- 室内音響における模型実験の効用と限界
- 音楽の収音に好ましいスタジオの音響特性
- 札幌市教育文化会館大ホールの室内音響設計
- 1)NHKホールパイプオルガン自動演奏装置(〔テレビジョン方式・回路研究会(第111回) 放送現業技術研究会(第67回)〕合同)
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- 残響可変装置をもつ多目的ホールの音響特性
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- 運用調査による多目的ホールの現状とその分析結果
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