- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper describes the results of the objective measurements and the subjective assessments on the acoustical characteristics of the two large music studios of NHK. They have similar room shape, volume and reverberation but have different reputations. It also describes the desirable acoustical properties at the microphone positions in music studios suggested by these results. It is concluded that; (a) The size of the definition D and log ratio of early to reverberant sound energy R at the microphone positions are related to the subjective assessment of liveness. (b) The frequency characteristics of R are related to the assessments of the naturalness or liveness, ballance of the sounds of each instruments, etc. (c) The desirable R at single pick-up positions is about-2〜3dB, and its value at multiple pick-up positions is about 10〜16dB. (d) In acoustical planning of a large music studio, setting of the stage reflectors and the finishing treatment of "live end-dead end" type are the safest policy.
- 社団法人日本音響学会の論文
- 1971-03-10
- 室内音響における模型実験の効用と限界
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