- 論文の詳細を見る
When side walls of a rectangular tank, which is filled with water, are vibrating, the inside water will also make a vibratory motion. This motion of water lowers considerably the natural frequency of vibration of side-walls of the tank. This effect is conveniently expressed by "virtual mass" of water. In the previous reports, I to VII, of the same title, the author has made theoretical studies on the value of "virtual mass" of water, and examined various factors affecting it. Especially, in the report VI, and an approximate formula for the virtual masa was given for the case in which two opposite (rectangular) side-walls are vibrating in a mode which correspond to the case of "rectangular plate with clamped four edges". The calculation was made by assuming, tentatively, the mode of vibration of the rectangular plate.The question of degree of accuracy of this approximate formula will naturally be raised. In the present report VIII, his question of degree of accuracy is taken up. The treatment may be said to be a case of hydroelasticity. A set of normalized orthogonal functions (which correspond to the mode of free vibration of elastic bar with fixed ends) is used. The transverse displacement w of the rectangular plate in vibration is expressed as double infinite series of these set of functions. Putting this expression itno the equation of vibratory motion of rectangular elastic plate (wherein, the effect of vibratory water pressure is taken into account), a system of linear equations about the component amplitudes A_<αβ>(α, β=1,2,3…) is obtained. And, thence, equations for A_<αβ> is made, by means of which values of A_<αβ> can be obtained by successive (iterative) approximations. We start with A=<11>=1,all the others (A_<αβ>)=0,which we regard as the zeroth approximation. And, we are to calculate, first, second, …approximate values, in succession.Numerical examples for the case of (A) B : H : L=1 : 1 : 2,and (B) B : H : L=1 : 1 : 1 are shown. It is seen that the values of A_<12>/A_<11>. A_<31>/A_<11>, etc., are comparatively small, but not so small enough to say that we may neglect them at all.It is concluded that, we may use the approximate formula given in our report VI, for practical purposes, on the understanding that they give only approximate values.
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