- 論文の詳細を見る
The author has presented, in the previous paper, a theoretical formula which gives the value of vertual mass of water, with regard to vibration of side-walls of a rectangular water tank, full of water. The theoretical formula was obtained by calculation of kinetic energy of water, which is in vibration induced by the vibration of side-walls. This is an approximate calculation, and not a rigorous one. So, there arose the question the degree of approximation of the given formula. In the present paper. this question is examined by taking into account higher modes of vibration of side-walls, and using the minimum principle of Lord Rayleigh. From the result of calculation, we see that the formula for virtual mass of water in the previous paper is sufficiently accurate, for practical use, at least of water tanks having ordinary proportions. The formula for virtual mass of water, for the case in which the water is only partially filled, is also given here.
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