分割模型試験による操縦流体力の非線形成分の検討 : 回頭運動の場合
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rights: 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会協会rights: 本文データは学協会の許諾に基づきCiNiiから複製したものであるrelation: IsVersionOf:http://ci.nii.ac.jp/naid/110003860434/In order to clarify availability of the so-called cross-flow model, some model experiments on longitudinal distribution of lateral force on a ship hull were carried out with the segmented model. Lateral forces on each of the segments were measured for the hull in turning motion. Here, it is assumed that lateral force on each segment can be expressed by formula consisting of linear and second order terms. Nonlinear derivatives due to yaw angular velocity for each segment are determined through the procedure described above. A comparison is made between the nonlinear derivatives and those predicted using the cross-flow model. In this report, a correction factor is introduced to modify the nonlinear derivatives obtained from the cross-flow model. As a result, it is indicated that the correction factor largely depends on ship's longitudinal position. Moreover, it is found that generally speaking the value of the correction factor increases where the segmented element is closer to midship. Development of prediction procedure of the correction factor is left as a future problem.
- 2003-03-25
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