咀嚼運動に関する運動学的および筋電図学的検討 : II-3. Semi-group Functioned Occlusionにおける咀嚼運動相および筋放電持続時間について
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The author attempted to examine the influence of occlusion on the regularity of masticatory movement and the muscle activity. Eight Japanese dentate subjects, all in their 20 s, with semi-group functioned occlusion (SGO) were selected and their masticatory activities were recorded simultaneously with a multipurpose monitoring/recording device and the Saphon Visi-Trainer, Model Cll. The masticatory phase, number of masticatory strokes, and duration of muscular discharge were studied by having the subjects masticate peanuts, ham and pickled radish at fixed intervals. The SGO type subjects tended to show different characteristics from those with mutually protected occlusion. In SGO subjects the masticatory path was biased to the grinding style and the ratio of grinding function was dominant. These facts suggest that it is imperative to take the prosthodontic treatment, diagnosis of mandibular function, occlusal adjustment and reconstruct of occlusion into consideration to determine the type of occlusion of the patients.
- 日本補綴歯科学会の論文
- 1988-04-01
- 2-1-9. 咀嚼運動に関する筋電図学的および運動学的検討 : II-4.Semi-Group Functioned Occlusionにおける咀嚼運動相リズムと筋放電持続期間の割合について(第77回日本補綴歯科学会学術大会講演要旨)
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