6. 放射線と人体影響 : 核融合施設の放射線安全
- 論文の詳細を見る
The thermonuclear reactor is a source of tritium β-rays, γ-rays and neutrons, which potentially have deleterious radiation effects for both workers and those living near the facility. The radiation effects are categorized on the basis of early effects and the late effects. The early effects are mainly observed at a high dose exposure of more than 3-5Gy; they include a gastrointestine death, bone marrow death, and skin injury. A low dose exposure causes the late effects such as cancer and genetical damage. In addition to these effects, the embryo and fetus are highly sensitive to radiation, which may produce prenatal death, malformation, and mental retardation. These risks for human exposure to γ-rays can be estimated from the abundance of radiation accident data and epidemiological data, such as gathered from Atomic Bomb Survivor. However, only a small amount of data for tritium- and neutron-risks is available, although the biological effects are more profound than the effects of γ-rays. Based on biological experiments, we know that the RBE(Relative Biological Effectiveness)for tritium and neutrons ranges from 1 to 3, and from 5 to 100, respectively. Consequently, Atomic Bomb Survivor data and radiation accident data make it possible to estimate the risks for tritium β-rays and neutrons, as well as γ-rays.
- 社団法人プラズマ・核融合学会の論文
- 1998-07-25
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- 6. 放射線と人体影響 : 核融合施設の放射線安全
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- Book Reviews