ブユ幼虫の実験室内飼育に関する研究 (ブユ II)
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Rearing of Simuliid larvae in the laboratory is said to be very difficult, for the need of special breeding environment, and a few authors succeeded it : Puri (1925) reared artificially S. aureum and S. erythrocephalum from eggs to adults in the laboratory and Mackerras (1948), too, succeeded in the rearing of S. ornatipes, but no report in Japan : We have attempted it in Japanese species. For the purpose of artificial breeding of the black fly, we constructed a simple and inexpensive rearing apparatus utilising a water current aspirator (see Fig. 1, 2, 3) and succeeded to rear S. (W.) salopiense from eggs to adults in the laboratory with this apparatus. This rearing investigation was done from June to July in 1956 at Kyoto Prefectural Medical University. Rearing aquaria (volum; ca. 500cc) were filled nearly with underground water (chemical analysis is shown in Table 1). Simulium eggs were put in it with some leaves of spinach as larval food. The water and food were changed once or twice in a week, and the temperature of aquaria was kept between 16-17℃. It was bobbling continuously. According to our observations, the duration of larval life of S. (W.) salopiense was 32-47 days and pupal life 2-6 days. Adults thus reared, showed same ratio in male and female approximately (see Fig 4), and attained a normalsize. Further high instar larvae of S. (W.) salopiense and S. (O.) aokii were collected from the natural breeding stream and they were put in the above rearing aquaria; 14.7, 31.1 and 35.6% of them pupated after 24, 48 and 72 hours respectively, but mortality also increased as 0.7, 10.5 and 46.7% respectively (see Table 2). These results, the artificial breeding from eggs and the feeding of high instar larvae, suggest that the larvae which developed to a certain extent in their natural breeding stream can hardly adapt themselves to the new environment of rearing aquaria, while the larvae hatched in the aquaria from the start, can develope better. We could not find any differences in result between underground water and stream water as the rearing water, but if the bobbling was not attempted, any larvae could not pupate and all of them died soon (within 72 hours) (see Table 3). It seems to be unnecessary to change water frequently in the case enough vegetables were bestowed as food. Optimal temperature of water current, plenty of oxygen and food may be all that are essential for the growth of Simulium larvae.
- 日本衛生動物学会の論文
- 1956-12-05
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