- 論文の詳細を見る
This study is to explore the impact of the Equal Employment Opportunity Law on women's treatments in personnel management and in the work place, and to examine the ways to promote womens' employment and full utilization of their potential talents. Datawere collected through interviews with personnel manegers in 10 electric appliances manufacturers. The results show that some measures introduced by the EEO Law has promoted the equal opportunity and treatment between men and women, especially in such areas as recruitment and hiring, vocational training, and fringe benifits. However, it is also pointed out that in spite of companies offorts to meet EEO requirements, the number of female employees to be promoted to managerial positions and to be rotated for career development was actually very small. Finally, from the point of view of long-term employment, flexible working systems and firm's measures to support womens' maternity are discussed.
- 経営行動科学学会の論文
- 1990-04-30
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