- 論文の詳細を見る
KITAMURA (1954, 1955) pointed out that there are some corridors in the temperate zone on the southern side of the Himalayas through which the Sino-Jopanese element extended westwards their range and called them Himalayan corridor. The Himalayan corridor was discussed in the connection with Himalayan geology. 1) The vegetation of the north-facing slopes is rich in flora and different from that on the south-facing slopes in Himalayas. In general, in Nepal Himalayas, the corridors for the migration of Sino-Japanese elements are on moister northern slopes, whereas those for the western elements are on drier southern slopes. 2) A Himalayan corridor seemed to be established on the southern side of the Himalayan range in the Late Miocene when Cedrus invaded into Himalayas. There were some corridors on the both sides of the Great Himalayas in the Middle Pleistocene when the basic configuration of the Himalayas was formed. The corridor on Tibetan side which provided conditions for the migration of western elements existed up to the end of Pleistocene with the occurrence of Cedrus. 3) The corridor on Tibetan side disappeared due to the environmental deterioration caused by the upheaval of the Great Himalayas. The discontinuous distribution of Olea, Cotinus, etc. which are separated in West Himalayas and Southwest China can be explained by the extinction of Tibetan side corridor in the Late Pleistocene.
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