- 論文の詳細を見る
Since the animation technology that runs smoothly by a few data capacity on the Internet can be used, the interface design with a dynamic interaction appeared.However, such animation is used in many cases as moving graphics rather than as interface design.A musical instrument can be changed the volume and the tone of sound by the performing strength and method.In order to realize such the interaction on a screen, an interaction mast be changed immediately by operation and motion of the pointing device.The technology that makes animation by scripting or calculation is important.This research aims is groping for the possibility of cursor animation and interaction design that reacts to operation of a user and moves dynamically.
- 日本デザイン学会の論文
- 2001-10-15
- LK-017 Behind Touch 2 : 視覚障害者のための触覚・音声による携帯電話インタフェース(K. ヒューマンコミュニケーション&インタラクション)
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