都市景観に於ける公共交通機関のデザインについて : ベーシックデザインと車体広告(ポスターセッション方式による研究発表概要)
- 論文の詳細を見る
In late years an advertisement with a seat covering the whole big body by technical development increases.A standard review of Outdoor Advertisement Act of that purpose began, too.I investigated it about a historical background of basic design until the present and body advertisement and present situation of body full-page advertisement, self-governing body outdoors advertisement thing regulation and, about a route bus, a streetcar, a train, a monorail, analyzed it from a viewpoint of cityscape.As a result a problem submits three points of necessity of body design that I premised necessity/advertising media of reconsideration such as the loss/the self-governing body advertisement regulations of area identity.
- 日本デザイン学会の論文
- 2001-10-15
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