1873年ウィーン万国博覧会プログラムについて(2) : 「工術博物館裨益論」の近代デザイン史的意義(口頭による研究発表概要)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Through the participation of the World Exposition held in Vienna in 1873,the new concept called 'fine arts applied to industry' was introduced into Japan. At first this new concept was translated by using the new word 'Bijutsu'. In 1875,after the closing of exposition, the word 'Koujutsu' took place of the word 'Bijutsu ' to translate the new concept in the Japanese offiicial reports of the Exposition. The article in the official report Number 21 titled "Koujutsu-Hakubutukan-Hieki-Ron" was the translation of the Austrian Official Exposition Report on the Exhibits Group 22. The historical value of this Japanese traslation is to refer officially to the significance of the new concept in the early days of the Meiji Era.
- 2001-10-15
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- 1873年ウィーン万国博覧会プログラムについて(2) : 「工術博物館裨益論」の近代デザイン史的意義(口頭による研究発表概要)
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