1873 年ウィーン万国博覧会プログラムについて (3) : クンストゲヴェルベ・ムゼウムとクンストゲヴェルベシューレ (1)
- 論文の詳細を見る
In 1874,after the closing of the Vienna Exhibition, Hirayama Eizo, a official interpreter of the Japanese Exhibition Comittee, entered the School of Applied Arts (Kunstgewerbeschule) in Vienna. The School was attached to the Royal and Imperial Austrian Museum for Art and Industry (das k.k. osterreichische Museum fur Kunst und Industrie), and its aim was to educate workers able to meet the demand of the art industry. Its basic instruction was in architecture, painting and sculpture, industrial art being based upon nothing less than the application of these arts to the needs of daily life. It was a belief of Rudolf von Eitelberger, the first director of the Museum, for whom fine art and indutrial art were inseparably connected.
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