進化の捉え方 : エネルギー的観点の重要性(<特集>生物進化と人間の特性-生成文法の研究-)
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In starfish, Asterina pectinifera, parts of egg cytoplasm can be removed by microsugjcal techniques, and it is known that only 14 % of a whole egg (ca. 02 mm in diameter) is enough for the complete development including metamorphosis. Therefore 86 % of a whole egg is surplus. On metamorphosis adult buds are formed and larval mouth and anus are digested, and food supply ceases until adult mouth and anus are formed. Adult buds are never formed before larvae have reached a certain size, i.e. larvae have a critical size for metamorphosis (ca. 1mm). Larval bodies themselves can be regarded as a form of energy accumulation. These indicate that the function of the surplus energy in eggs is to shorten the larval duration and that of the larvae is to accumulate energy for the growth of adult buds. This is the case in extant starfishes: among hundreds starfishes, species with larger eggs (more than ca. 025 mm in diameter) do not have larval forms and develop into adults directly from eggs, whereas species with smaller eggs still keeps larval forms. Living organisms are always forced to keep the energy balance positive and to accumulate surplus energy as a whole for the continuation of the metabolism (avoidance of stop in metabolism, i.e. avoidance of starvation). Relationship between DNA changes and phenotypic evolution has been discussed. A new theory of evolution is proposed: the role of DNA in evolution is to stabilize the life styles that are adopted by species and not to control completely their life styles. Even if environments are kept unchanged, silent improvements (invisible metabolic improvements such as DNA reorganizations) progress because of premise of life.
- 生命の起原および進化学会の論文
- 2003-06-30
- 余剰進化論(シンポジウム「生命起原研究を巡って」)
- 進化論の焦点--進化を進化たらしめる余剰 (ダーウィン生誕二〇〇年記念特集 ダーウィンと進化論)
- ヒトデ卵余剰エネルギーとその機能-表現形の進化とDNA変化の関係-
- S1-4 新しい進化論 : エネルギー観点を根底に据えた余剰進化論(生命起原研究を巡って,シンポジウム1,第34回学術講演会講演要旨集)
- 進化の捉え方 : エネルギー的観点の重要性(生物進化と人間の特性-生成文法の研究-)
- 特集「生物進化と人間の特性-生成文法の研究-」を企画して(生物進化と人間の特性-生成文法の研究-)
- 進化の捉え方 : エネルギー的観点の重要性
- 理系のレッドパージ(井尻正二さんと科学運動(その2))
- 技術紹介 ナメクジウオの飼育と産卵
- ヒトデ卵の余剰エネルギー--エネルギー蓄積が退化を許容する (特集 地球の環境と生物の進化)