近世初期風俗画と浮世絵との関連(分科会第二部会<美術史学部門>, 美学会第九回全国大会研究発表)
- 論文の詳細を見る
"Ukiyoe" has it's origin in Early Modern Genre-painting. But is as absolutely difficult to limit the period of each as to point out the true forerunner of "Ukiyoe". Since the independence of genre-painting, the bathing scene had frequently been painted as one chief subject on the screens. This fact shows the trend from Early Modern Genre-painting to "Ukiyoe" When Painters took up the bathing scenes on a large scale, the peculiar characteristics of "Ukiyoe" became predominant, for the bathing scene was apt to have erotic elements in itself.
- 美学会の論文
- 1958-12-25
- 三木市金剛寺蔵の競馬・遊楽図屏風
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- 新出「又兵衛風屏風絵」を中心として(源豊宗教授退任記念号)
- 播磨国報恩寺の宋風仏像彫刻について
- 岩佐勝重研究序説
- 近世初期風俗画の凋落期について
- 河村岷雪の「百富士」と北斎の富嶽図
- 近世初期風俗画の終末期の問題(一)
- いわゆる「浮世又兵衛」について
- 近世初期風俗画と浮世絵との関連(分科会第二部会, 美学会第九回全国大会研究発表)
- デューラーの藝術(美學特輯號)