- 論文の詳細を見る
In the context concerning "the experience in Milan" in the book VII of Confessions, there are the stages which Augustine passes from iudicare on the meaning of the contents of libri Platonicorum, through iuvenire veritatem, consequently to the correct understanding of malum. This process is thought to be related to the true interpretation. Confessions, as we understand, aims at the interpretation of scriptura. The orientation of interpretation is indicated in the books X-XIII in the following way ; 1) the internal approach to Truth as the Judge (consulere veritatem), 2) the response of Truth (dicere, docere), and 3) the hearing of the voice in the self-disclosure of Truth (audire). This orientation, clearly indicated in the book XIII (ch. 29-30), is basically coincident with the way to inventio in the book VII. So, we admit that the light added to consulere-audire characterizes this inventio. Then, there are two phases of light-to grasp the light itself (ch. 10) and to grasp by the light (ch. 17)-, which correspond to those of Truth. The light in ch. 10 signifies the unable-to-be-grasped (invisivilia) or the undefined (infinitum) as the ultimate object. And the light in ch. 17 signifies the clear statement (illuminatio) of the ground for interpretation. With the phases of light, Augustine explains the inventio of the orientation of interpretation.
- 美学会の論文
- 1983-12-31
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- 書評 Jean-Michel FONTANIER, La Beaute selon Saint Augustin, 1998.
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