日月モティーフと宮廷絵所 : 日月山水図屏風の一考察(大会報告)
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According to Moriatsu Hayashi, in his writing 'Gasen' (1712), "Although Motonobu Kano used 'Solar-Lunar' motif in screens, it is now forbidden to use them in our school." He says nothing else. Why this motif had to be forbidden? Historians suppose some purposes of this motif-religeous, lyrical, or decorative. But from these points of vue, we could not grasp the ground of this prohibition. Therefore I tried to look for another reason. It is true that this motif appears in some paintings used for special ceremonies at the Imperial Court. Shimenoyama (artificial products) at Daijoe is the typical case. The 'Solar-Lunar' motif was then painted on each Shimenoyama product, and furthermore these products were designed by painters of the art bureau at the Court. This fact explains that the 'Solar-Lunar' motif is the limited as one signifying regality itself. For this reason, we can understand the oral tradition of M. Hayashi, and that this 'Solar-Lunar' motif is not a decorative but emblematic one.
- 美学会の論文
- 1971-12-30
- 源氏物語図屏風の一遺作--狩野派の物語絵
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- 日月モティーフと宮廷絵所 : 日月山水図屏風の一考察(大会報告)
- 画史編削の場 : 日本絵画史の劃期をめぐって
- 絵巻の旧本消散による新本再生 (「美術に関する調査研究の助成」研究報告〔含 研究者別および主題別索引〕)
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- 英賀神社蔵天神縁起絵について
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