- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper has two aims. One is to reconsider the process of aesthetic experience from the point of emotion, the another is to point out the relation between this process and the description of the works of art. Starting from the concept 'Doppelte Affektion (double affection)' in Kant's Kritik der reinen Vernunft, then making reference to the theories of Theodor Lipps and Paul Ricoeur, I reach to these following conclusions : Aesthetic experiences consist of such a cycle that inevitably entails the emotion in its beginning and its end. Through the repetition and accumulation of this cycle, the subject and the object of this experience are realized, However, there is no congruence between them. It is this incongruence which gives possibility to the description of the works of art. To describe the works of art is to make this incongruence clear.
- 美学会の論文
- 1995-06-30
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- 美的体験における情動と記述の問題
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- 原則論の展開 : ヘルマン・コーヘンの美学
- 原則論の展開 : ヘルマン・コーヘンの美学(美学会第四十二回全国大会報告)