アウグスティーヌスに於ける美のインベンチオに就いて : 「告白録」第十一巻の解釈
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The author tries to clarify the structure of the elevation of Augustine's thought manifested in. XXIX. 39 by a systematic interpretation of the text. The orientation of Augustine's thought in the Book 11 is the liberation by and to God as creator of all things (deus creator omnium). His task in this Book is to demonstrate God as creator of all things by the interpretation of Genesis I-1. In order to prove the superiority of eternity to time, he goes on to make clear the nature of time by the reductive thinking. Time is reduced first to the nonarticulated form of measure and object of measurement (ch. XX. 26), secondly to the articulated form, i.e., to time as measure (ch. XXVI. 33) and to time as object of measurement (ch. XXVII. 36). We can grasp the nature of time by measuring time itself. Here the nature of time begins to reveal itself, which is the inclination to nothingness. The phrase adtende, ubi albescit veritas in ch. XXVII. 34 announces the beginning of the revelation of veritas per se (Truth and Beauty). In ch. XXVII. 35. Augustine pronounces the verse : Deus creator omnium and acknowledges God as creator of all things. This pronunciation expresses the success of the demonstration. Through the pronunciation, he makes a judgement of verum (true and beautiful) on this verse. Here actualizes the liberation by God as creator of all things (deus creator omnium). Augustine converts his life to veritas and finds it out.
- 美学会の論文
- 1983-09-30
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- ガイ・サーセロウ, 『愛と美』, Guy Sircello, Love and Beauty, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1989, 253p.
- アウグスティーヌスに於ける美のインベンチオに就いて : 「告白録」第十一巻の解釈
- 製品の哲学序説(東部会平成二二年度第五回例会,例会・研究発表会要旨)