重金属と土壌・粘土 : 重金属による土壊汚染をめぐる諸問題
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Problems on heavy metal pollution of soils, chiefly by Cd, were outlined from the point of view of the behavior of pollutant metals, introducing chiefly the results obtained by investigations of the author and his collaborator. On the reaction of metals with clays, humic substances and hydrated oxides, a brief review including our experiment on a clay was given. 1. For the protection of arable soils from pollution by heavy metals the Japanese Government designated legally the specific harmful substances, namely. Cd. Cu, As and their compounds. The requirement for designation on Cd for agricultural land soil pollution policy is that Cd content in brown rice exceeds 1.0 ppm, which brought forward a subject to lower the content of Cd in normally grown rice plants. 2. Natural abundance of several metals in Japanses soils, excepting Cu are somewhat higher than those in the earth crust. Content of Cd in brown rice, about 0.1 ppm, was considered to give fairly heavy burden for human bodies. 3. Cadmium in irrigation water is sorbed effectively by soils. If the content in irrigation water exceed the natural level of abundance, 0.1 ppb, accumulation in soils would proceed. 4. Heavy metals absorbed by plants generally accumulates in the root, hardly increasing the contents in the grain. Cadmium is almost only metal of which the content in rice grain readily increases through absorption from the soil. 5. Absorption of heavy metals by rice plants increases considerably when the submerged water is removed. This phenomenon is most prominent in Cd. Incubation of soils under flooded condition showed abrupt decrease in solubility of Cd corresponding with the change in oxidation-reduction potential for SO^<2->_4^→_←H_2S system which was calculated thermodynamically. Solubility of Zn decreased not sufficiently, presumably indicating stoichiometrical shortage of sulfides. Behavior of Cu and Pb during the incubation was more complicated. Arsenate, on the other hand, is reduced under submerged condition to more toxic and soluble arsenite. 6. Zinc and Cd behaved in exchange adsorption on montmorillonite as similar divalent cation as Ca. Coefficients of the Langmuir's adsorption isotherm for these metals were considered to give the CEC of the clay and exchange equilibrium constant. 7. Nature of specific adsorption both by soil humus and hydrated oxides seems to predict that Cd in soils fixed not so tightly, in fact, the fractionation done in Akita prefectural Agricultural Experiment Station applying the method of McLaren and Crawford^<47>) showed that the fraction in which the most Cd was contained was exchangeable, followed by organically sorbed one, indicating high availability of soil Cd accumulated by pollution.
- 日本粘土学会の論文
- 1979-09-25
- 第7部門 水田土壌の肥沃度
- 水田土壌における脱窒量の測定について
- 北陸地方の細粒質強グライ土水田における有機物の分解とガス発生量について
- 北陸地方の細粒質強グライ土水田に発生するガスの組成について
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- 北陸地域の細粒強グライ水田作土における土壌窒素共給力の季節変動
- 窒素供給量を規制した流動水耕法とそれによる水稲窒素吸収様式の定量的制御
- 44 水稲水耕栽培における通気流動の及ぼす影響(関東支部講演会講演要旨)
- 30 低濃度培養液による水稲の水耕栽培(関東支部講演会講演要旨)
- 北陸地方の細粒質強グライ水田の土壌中に含まれる粗大有機物量とその無機態窒素発現に及ぼす影響
- GC-MSによる施肥要素および土壌窒素からの脱窒の測定
- 土壌の化学 岩田進午・三輪睿太郎・井上隆弘・陽捷行訳, A5判, 320pp., 4800円, 学会出版センター, 1980
- 水管理条件が酸化層・還元層の分化発達に及ぼす影響
- 水耕培地のケイ酸共給濃度と水稲の生育
- 北陸地域強グライ強粘質水田土壌における酸化層・還元層の分化発達過程 : 水田圃場における酸化層・還元層の分化発達過程(第1報)
- 42 水耕培地の珪酸供給濃度と水稲の生育(関東支部講演会講演要旨)
- 水田土壌Eh測定法の比較
- 水分含量の異なる土壌を湛水した場合の酸化層・還元層の分化発達過程
- 61 水分含量の異なる土壌を湛水したときの酸化層、還元層の分化発達過程(関東支部講演会講演要旨)
- 7-22 水田圃場における酸化層・還元層の分化発達過程(7.水田土壌の肥沃度)
- 重金属と土壌・粘土 : 重金属による土壊汚染をめぐる諸問題
- 水稲のカドミウム吸収時期と玄米への移行
- Cd濃度を一定レベルに保った水耕栽培における水稲のCd吸収
- 水稲による亜鉛・カドミウムの吸収と生育障害 : その2 カドミウムについて
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- 土壌の酸化還元状態の変化と水稲のカドミウム吸収応答
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