Petrologie de Laterites et des Sols Tropicaux (Petrology of Laterites and Tropicals Soils), by Yves Tardy. Masson, 120 Boulevard Saint-Germain 75280, Paris Cedex 06, France (1993). 459 pages. 172figures and 51 tables. Softcover (ISBN-2-225-84176-4) Can. $
- 化学溶解法の比較検討 : 非晶質鉱物の同定と定量への応用
- カオリン鉱物と緑泥石との判定法
- カナダ ポトゾル土壌の鉱物学
- 無処理の各種粘土鉱物の赤外線吸収
- Petrologie de Laterites et des Sols Tropicaux (Petrology of Laterites and Tropicals Soils), by Yves Tardy. Masson, 120 Boulevard Saint-Germain 75280, Paris Cedex 06, France (1993). 459 pages. 172figures and 51 tables. Softcover (ISBN-2-225-84176-4) Can. $
- 第11回国際粘土学会について
- 雲母, 緑泥石鉱物の人工的バーミキュライト化
- Clay Minerals Society-10th Meeting に出席して
- Newnham, R. E., 1961, : A Refinement of the Dickite Structure and some Remarks on Polymorphism in Kaolin Minerals, Mineral Mag. London, Vol.31, No.252, 683〜704.
- Radoslovich, E. W., 1960, : The Sturcture of Muscovite, Kal_2(Si_3Al)O_(OH)_3, Acta Cryst., Vol.13, Part 11, 919〜932