- 論文の詳細を見る
Clay mineral specimens used in this study were kaolin mineral (8), illite (14), montmorillonite (6), chlorite (4), vermiculite (4) and non-clay minerals (11). Specimens were prepared as mull in nujol and mounted between sodium chloride cover slides. The infra-red spectra of such various kinds of clay minerals have been examined in the region 3800-700 cm^<-1>. Especially, the spectra in the region 3800-3200 cm^<-1> were obtained by using Graing Spectrophotometer having excellent resolution power. From the spectra, the character of absorption bands of each clay mineral was discussed.
- 日本粘土学会の論文
- 1963-11-01
児玉 秀臣
Center For Land And Biological Resources Research Agriculture Canada
生沼 郁
児玉 秀臣
Soil Research Institute, Canada Department of Agriculture
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