- 論文の詳細を見る
The clays occurring in Kado, Iwaizumi, Iwate prefecture, are called "Iwate clay" which constitutes significant resources of refractory clay in Japan. Clays with higher iron content named "Koshitsu caly H4" and "Akaban clay" also occur in the deposit. They have not, however, been supplied as yet for industrial purposes because of their low refractoriness. The aim of the present study is to improve the properties of the "Iwate clay" by the removal of iron with the aid of a high gradient magnetic separation method (HGMS). Experimental results revealed that the main source of iron components in those clays named "Koshitsu clay H4", "Sofuto clay" and "Nanshitsu clay" was siderite and that the HGMS method had marked effect on the removal of siderite from those clays. Therefore, the values of iron removal by the HGMS treatment are dependent on the siderite contents in those clays. After the treatment for the "koshitsu clay H4", iron contents decreased from 9.79 to 1.64 wt%, and refractoriness was upgraded from SK 29 to SK 34 and whiteness increased from 49.1 to 82.5%. In the case of the "Sofuto clay", whiteness increased from 77.6 to 89.8% with decreasing iron contents from 2.35 to 1.84%. In the case of the "Nanshitsu clay", whiteness changed from 81.6 to 85.6% as iron contents changed from 2.23 to 2.11 wt%. On the other hand, the "Akaban clay" contains hematite and magnetite in addition to the above mentioned iron source. Magnetite and siderite were easily removed by the HGMS treatment, whereas hematite remained because of their very small particle sizes. After the treatment the iron contents decreased from 5.69 to 3.26 wt%, and whiteness increased from 57.1 to 60.7%.
- 日本粘土学会の論文
- 1983-12-20
伊藤 信一
鳥居 一雄
鷲見 新一
岡田 豊明
伊藤 信一
岡田 豊明
岡原 義旦
岡原 義旦
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