- 論文の詳細を見る
Atgillaceous sediment include various minerals such as clays, silicas, silicates, carbonates, etc. Mineral assemblages in argillaceous rocks are a modification of that originally presented in sediments and have been formulated by a combination of various geologic factors such as source materials, depositional environments, diogenesis, metamarphism, and weathering. Early diagenetic changes of various minerals in sediments have been controlled mainly by chemistry of interstitial or connate water. On the other hand, the most important factor for the late diagenetic transformation of minerals might be the temperature in addition to reaction time and pressure. Paleotemperature analysis by authigenic minerals can be utilized for the possible prediction of hydrocarbon pools in the exploration area.
- 日本粘土学会の論文
- 1991-05-20
- 9.栃木県藤原町大原付近の雲母/スメクタイト混合層粘土鉱物について
- セピオライトの産状と鉱物学的性質(セピオライト)
- 熱水と続成変質作用を受けた岩石中の雲母/スメクタイト混合層鉱物 (粘土鉱物の生成と変化の機構)
- 49 船生(東遅沢)鉱山の粘土鉱物について
- セピオライト, パリゴルスカイトの赤外線による研究 : とくに加熱変化について
- 群馬県水上町藤原須田貝付近の熔結凝灰岩中の蛇紋岩片の変質と混合層鉱物の生成
- P30 粘土鉱物が及ぼす物質停滞への影響
- P30.粘土鉱物が及ぼす物質停滞への影響(第35回粘土科学討論会発表論文抄録)
- 49 南会津地方のフッ石の産状とその鉱物種
- 11.東会津羽鳥湖付近の変質鉱物について