- 論文の詳細を見る
Tropical regions are characterized by hot/humide climates and/or alternate dry and rainy seasons, resulting in somewhat different ecological situations from those in temperate areas, including more frequent and incessant emergence of pests, e. g. ca. 25 life-cycles/year of diamond backmoth in Thailand as compared with 10 to 12/year in middle-Japan. Also socio-technological status, e. g. irrigation and mechanization, in agriculture is variable among tropical countries. All these circumstances will significantly influence use of pesticides. Generally the climatic conditions there affect behavior of pesticides to different degrees : Evaporation, photolysis, hydrolysis, and microbial metabolism will change, to accelerate degradation : Adsorption to soil organic matter tends to decrease slightly at higher temperature. Although temperature dependence of toxicity in aquatic organisms varies with pesticides, their toxicity in tropical organisms may be assessed based on the data onto similar or adjacent species and varieties living in temperate areas. Taking into account hot and humide climate, as well as a relatively higher number of untrained workers handling pesticides in tropical and developing countries, safety precautionary steps have to be followed as much as possible during fotmulation, storage, transportation and application. Thus, people concerned should be well trained. Ideally, significantly hazardous pesticides (e. g. Ia and Ib of WHO classification) should be avoided, by which simpler personal protective cloths are generally enough, which is more practical there. Code of Conduct on distribution and use of pesticides stipulated by FAO (1985) and ensuing PIC procedures (1989) are most appropriate to be pursued to achieve safe and effective use of pesticides. Developed countries should assist developing countries to the maximum possible extent in establishing necessary legislative mechanisms in transferring all available technologies and know-hows including education and training of staffs and general public.
- 日本熱帯農業学会の論文
- 1994-12-01
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