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Slant aftereffect (SAE), the negative aftereffect of slant induced after the prolonged observation of a surface, was considered as evidence that slant is encoded in the visual system. Because slant and tilt are mathematically independent dimensions, Stevens (1983a) assumed that slant and tilt are processed independently in the visual system. To confirm this assumption, we investigated whether SAE is induced independently of the difference in tilt between the adapting and test stimuli. The stimuli were displayed by simulating the motion disparity of rotating disks. After adaptation to a surface of 60° slant, the subjective 0° slants of the test stimulus were measured with the tilt difference of 0°, 45°, 90°, 135° and 180°. The magnitude of SAE was maximum when the tilt difference was zero, and decreased with increasing tilt difference. The results suggest that slant and tilt are not processed independently in the visual system and that the slant detector in the visual system is sensitive not only to slant but also to tilt.
- 社団法人映像情報メディア学会の論文
- 1999-06-07
佐藤 隆夫
東京大学 人文社会系研究科
瀬山 淳一郎
佐藤 隆夫
瀬山 淳一郎
東京大学 文学部・日本学術振興会
瀬山 淳一郎
東大 文
瀬山 淳一郎
東京大学 文学部 心理学研究室
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