- 論文の詳細を見る
Crystalline inorganic components important for identifying plants, such as oxalates, cystoliths, and silicon bodies, have not been isolated from plants in pure state and detailed examination of their composition has not been made as yet. It has now become possible, through the development of the "low-temperature plasma ashing method for plant tissues, " to separate crystalline inorganic components from plants, easily and entirely without change in their chemical composition from the evidence of perfect coincidence of X-ray powder diffraction patterns between the crystals in original and ashed specimens. In the present series of work, the separated crystalline inorganic components were submitted to X-ray powder diffraction, thermal analysis, measurement of infrared absorption spectra, and elemental analysis. As a result of concerted examination of these analytical data, it was found that when the crystals in the plant consist of calcium oxalate, they always have the composition of calcium oxalate monohydrate Ca (COO)_2・H_2O, irrespective of isolated, aggregate, or needle crystals. The cystolith was found to have the composition of calcium carbonate CaCO_3 by X-ray powder diffraction diagram, with reference to standard CaCO_3 and elemental analysis showed that cystolith is a pure CaCO_3. The silicon body has the composition of silicon dioxide SiO_2 its crystal structure being amorphous in the majority, as in fused quartz, mixed with a minute amount of crystalline α-quartz.
- 1974-03-25
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