Gardneriaアルカロイドの薬理学的研究(第2報)末梢作用(循環器系, 消化器系におよぼす作用)
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Peripheral effects of gardneramine and gardnerine on circulatory and digestive systems were examined. Gardneramine and gardnerine produced a hypotensive effect in the rabbit, which seemed to be derived from their peripheral vasodilataion, direct depressive action on myocardium, and central depressive action. Both alkaloids produced vasodilatation in the hind limb preparation of the dog and depressive action on atria isolated from the guinea pig. They produced a weak preventive effect on stress in the mouse, Gardneranine inhibited the movement of smooth muscle organs such as stomach of the rat and intestine of the mouse. On the contrary, gardnerine accelerated it with lower doses, inhibited with higher doses. Both alkaloids decreased slightly the pH value of gastric acidity in the rat and also produced a weak papaverine-like antispasmodic action in the intestine isolated from the mouse. From these results, it may be concluded that gardneramine and gardnerine have a weak papaverine-like action on peripheral organs, the former being weaker than the latter. However, it is of interest to note that gardnerine accelerated the movement of smooth muscle of gastrointestinal tract with lower doses.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1972-12-25
尾崎 幸紘
Divition of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, National Institute of Hygienic Sciences
原田 正敏
Divition of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, National Institute of Hygienic Sciences
尾崎 幸紘
Divition Of Pharmacognosy And Phytochemistry National Institute Of Hygienic Sciences
原田 正敏
原田 正敏
原田 正敏
Divition Of Pharmacognosy And Phytochemistry National Institute Of Hygienic Sciences
尾崎 幸紘
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