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Lipophilic ion-pair complexes of 3-dl-α-tocopherylcarbonyl-1-n-alkyl-pyridinium-cromolyn (TAP-CG) were designed to enhance the percutaneous absorption of cromolyn (CG), and the effect of n-alkyl chainlength of the ionpair complexes on the CG permeation through hairless mouse skin was evaluated in vitro. The permeation rates of CG were examined in isopropyl myristate (IPM) suspension using static Keshany-Chien type diffusion cells at 32℃. The permeation parameters, steady-state flux, diffusion coefficient, partition coefficient between skin and IPM, and permeability coefficient were determined. Steady-state fluxes of CG increased linearly with the increasing n-alkyl chain-length of TAP-CG, and 3-dl-α-tocopherylcarbonyl-1-n-hexyl-pyridinium-cromolyn (THP-CG) produced the highest CG flux (0.62±0.11 nmol・cm^<-2>・h^<-1>), which was 14-fold greater than that of CG・Na in IPM suspension and more than 480-fold greater than that of CG・Na in aqueous solution due to increasing lipophilicity. In the case of TAP-CG with longer n-alkyl chainlength than THP-CG, however, the steady-state fluxes of CG decreased due to the high molecular weight and/or the high lipophilicity of the ion-pair complexes. It is suggested that lipophilic ion-pair complexes, especially THP-CG, are effective in absorption of cromoglicate through the skin. The results would be useful for studies on the role of each counterion in the lipophilic ion-pair complexes.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 2002-09-01
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