In Vivo/in Vitro Correlation of Intravitreal Delivery of Drugs with the Help of Computer Simulation
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The elimination of dexamethasone sodium m-sulfobenzoate, DMSB, following intravitreal injection, was measured in rabbit vitreous body under in vivo and in vitro conditions. The rate of elimination in vivo was appreciably greater than that in vitro, indicating that the in vivo data include not only the elimination due to metabolism/degradation in the vitreous humor, but also the elimination through the surrounding tissues such as the posterior aqueous humor, the retina/choroid/sclera membrane, and the lens. A general mathematical model based on Fick's second law of diffusion was developed for describing the pharmacokinetics of the intravitreal injection of DMSB. The model parameters were independently determined from a set of in vitro experiments. The in vivo data of elimination of DMSB following intravitreal injection agreed with the profiles calculated from the mathematical model, together with the model parameters determined from the in vitro experiments. The present in vivo/in vitro correlation, with the help of computer simulation, can be used for optimizing the therapeutic systems of intravitreal drug delivery.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1994-02-15
東條 角治
九州工業大学 情報工学部 治療システム研究室
大鳥 聡
大鳥 聡
Department of Biochemical Science and Engineering, College of Computer Science and Biosystems Engine
東條 角治
Department of Biochemical Science and Engineering, College of Computer Science and Biosystems Engine
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